Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Piece of Me

Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing. - Torquato Tasso

We all go through life with missing pieces, big ones, small ones, and the in-between ones. Though no man can complete you, nor would I want to be complete because of one man, there are pieces that only someone can put in.

There is a sensitivity to him that scares me. He sees through my soul as no one else does. A tilt of the head, a slight change of tone, a look. He looks at me and sees me. The real me. The me that was hidden for so long, the me that still hides. I stay in the shadows not because I am comfortable but because I know no other way. As painful as it was to admit, I truly did not know how. I was so used to the shadows I did not know how to walk and exist in the light.

He pushes, he prods, he encourages, he believes. He is the hand that guides me though the walk outside of the shadows, the voice that whispers in my ear to keep moving forward. I thought I was ok going through life this way but he has shown me a life outside of the shadows. He has given me a confidence to step out and claim my destiny. He has given me back a piece of me.

Love? Yes it is. Yes I am. How can one not love someone who gives you back yourself? How can I not fall for someone who sees the real me so hidden I do not even see it myself? How can I withhold something so freely given to me?  

So now, we wait. Though we know where we want to go and what we want to be, we wait on the One who completes us to bring this to its culmination.

*Blogging again after a really long time. Thank you, Chelo for giving me the push to write again.